Dear Readers,
This past week I have been very stressed. From my car being in the mechanic and not knowing what is wrong with it.
Figuring everything out for this coming semester, for school, and living arrangements for school.
To the musical I am in, opening in a week and a half, and a lot of the cast is messing around, and not prepared for opening night.
So lets say that when I have had free time I have been watching a ton of Netflix/vegging and drinking some fraps from the one and only Starbucks, haha Oh! And don't forget at least two baths a week (with showers in between). (:
Today I left work early and came home because I needed some "me time"
. As I am writing this my bath is filling with two of my natural oils (Faith and Stress Away). I for one really do love my oils and feel they work when I need relaxation and to get rid of some stress. Just the smell of the citrus and the my music playing in the background, has helped me calm down.
I feel that it is very important for everyone to take sometime out of each week and have some (me time). I think it is important for our mental and physical health. Whether for you it is watching your fav show or going to the gym and sweating it out. Do something that makes you happy and also gives you some alone time.
I promise that you feel so much more joyful and peppy because of it. :)
For me it is taking a bath while either listening to music or watching some of my fav Youtubers or Netflix show at the time.
I hope that each of you have a wonderful week and let me know what you like to do for your "me time", lovelies.