Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Do, Re, Mi, and Tip, Tap, Toe

Dear Readers, 

Something you guys don't know about me here in blog world is that I love theater (especially musical theater)! Since I was ten years old I have performed and ever since I was ten years old I have been in love with it. The stage is my safe haven. It's where I go to run away for a few hours and sing/dance out any emotions I might have. Does anyone else relate to that? 

Anyways, I have not been in a show since I was eighteen and I am now twenty-one. Yeah it's kind of long time if you are a performer. I have gotten kind of rusty and I hate that. I hate that I let my talents go to waste. So as a new year resolution for myself I decided that I will no longer let my talents just be locked away and I auditioned for my first musical since I was the age of eighteen. 

The Day of The Audition 

The day of the audition came and all day I was so nervous! It's all I could think about and I even had trouble focusing on anything else, especially at work. I felt bad but at the same time I felt justified because I was worried about something I love and care about so much. Ya know? Anyways even on my lunch break I didn't eat but I just sang my audition song over and over again in my car. 

After work I went home, showered, and put on the clothes I had picked out over a week ago for this. 
I was ready and not so confident. If that makes since? Haha
I get to the theater and I fill out the form they had and then I waited to be called in. When it was my turn to go I had so many nerves came over me that I let 2 people go in front of me. I know... crazy of me but I just needed some extra time to breath. 

I then go in, introduce myself, and sing. Overall the audition went really well. I didn't sing as much of the song as I should have but I sang what my nerves would allow. The director thanked me for my time and I was excused. As I was walking out of the theater and to my car I just kept taking deep breaths and out reassuring myself that I did a great job. 

Did Someone Say Callback? 

If I am being honest with you I did not think I would get a callback. I did not sing the full 18 bars and I was pretty shy that night and not my usual peppy self but I did!!! I was so excited that I dropped my phone out of excitement. (thankfully the screen did not break and thank goodness for screen protectors)! Haha

Callbacks went great. I opened up, I was relaxed, and it felt like I never took a break from theater. I then got an email later that day that let me know I was in the show. I was so excited and I was fine being cast as apart of the ensemble. That's what I wanted for my first show back secretly. 

In Conclusion 

The rehearsal's have been going pretty great. I mean there are always those rehearsals where no one will cooperate but overall I enjoy them.  I love theater and the many things I have been able to experience in the past and the many more I will be able to in the future.  

I guess what I want all of you to know through sharing this story is that yes, we have fears and yes, they can hold us back but don't let them. Never let the fears of the unknown stop you from achieving your dreams. You are amazing and you have so much talent. 
Never forget that.



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