Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Deep Thoughts And A Hot Bath

Dear Readers, 
This past week I have been very stressed. From my car being in the mechanic and not knowing what is wrong with it.

Figuring everything out for this coming semester, for school, and living arrangements for school.

To the musical I am in, opening in a week and a half, and a lot of the cast is messing around, and not prepared for opening night. 

So lets say that when I have had free time I have been watching a ton of Netflix/vegging and drinking some fraps from the one and only Starbucks, haha Oh! And don't forget at least two baths a week (with showers in between).  (: 

Today I left work early and came home because I needed some "me time"
. As I am writing this my bath is filling with two of my natural oils (Faith and Stress Away). I for one really do love my oils and feel they work when I need relaxation and to get rid of some stress. Just the smell of the citrus and the my music playing in the background, has helped me calm down.

I feel that it is very important for everyone to take sometime out of each week and have some (me time). I think it is important for our mental and physical health. Whether for you it is watching your fav show or going to the gym and sweating it out. Do something that makes you happy and also gives you some alone time.

I promise that you feel so much more joyful and peppy because of it. :)

For me it is taking a bath while either listening to music or watching some of my fav Youtubers or Netflix show at the time. 

I hope that each of you have a wonderful week and let me know what you like to do for your "me time", lovelies. 



Thursday, March 23, 2017

I Hope You Know

Dear Readers, 

I hope you know that you are not your mistakes.

I hope you know that you are not your trials that you are having to handle.

I hope you know that the pain you feel is only for a moment and not a lifetime.

I hope you know that your trials are actually blessings in disguise.

I hope you know that you are not forgotten.

I hope you know that there is always a rainbow ahead.

I hope you know you can smile today.

I hope you know that you are LOVED.

I hope you know.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Bestie and Starbucks

Dear Readers, 

This past weekend was So needed for me! I haven't laughed that much in so long. 
On Saturday I spent the evening with one of my most dearest and best friends, Julie. Even though we've only known each for 3 years it seems like we've known each other since we were born. 

Usually we hang out and catch up once a week but we've both been pretty busy so we haven't seen one another since last month. Which is way over too long for us to be apart. We started  the night with grabbing Starbucks (of course) and sat in the Starbucks and talked for at least 2 hours. We laughed, we cried, and then laughed some more. It was so needed for us and I just love, love, love our Starbucks chats. Haha... but let's be real, who doesn't? (: 

I tried a new drink which is there Green Tea Creme Frappucino. TO DIE FOR. I love it oh so much and it might be my new fav! A must try for any frapp lovers out there!! 

After Starbucks we went and got some greasy nachos... which even though are SO unhealthy, it was definitely worth the calories. Haha And to end the night we cuddled and watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2". It was good but does not beat the original in my opinion. 

I am so thankful for good friendships. I feel they are vital for every human to have a few close friends you can count on no matter what. To keep your secrets and to tell you when you need to shape up. It's important to have good family relationships as well but it's also important to have good friendships. So treat yourself and go grab a Starbucks with a bestie. 

What's something you love to do with your bestie? I'd love to hear about in the comments below. (: 



Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Few Words On Self Worth

Dear Readers,

Tonight I was trying to take a selfie to post on Facebook, to go with a thought I had, and to share it with my Facebook friends. Ten minutes later and about one hundred selfies later... I felt defeated and ugly. It left me sitting on my living room carpet almost in tears. Now I do not feel this way about my self all the time but sometimes it just comes in moments and it's hard to shake. Everyone has moments like this, ya know?

Anyways the reason I shared that with all of you is to let you know that none of us, are in fact "ugly". 
In fact you're simply stunning. Truly!
Yes we may feel ugly at times but NEVER EVER let those negative and self hating thoughts control you and what you think of yourself!!! 

You were created perfectly and beautifully by a God who loves you endlessly.

Always remember and happy Sunday lovelies.



Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Do, Re, Mi, and Tip, Tap, Toe

Dear Readers, 

Something you guys don't know about me here in blog world is that I love theater (especially musical theater)! Since I was ten years old I have performed and ever since I was ten years old I have been in love with it. The stage is my safe haven. It's where I go to run away for a few hours and sing/dance out any emotions I might have. Does anyone else relate to that? 

Anyways, I have not been in a show since I was eighteen and I am now twenty-one. Yeah it's kind of long time if you are a performer. I have gotten kind of rusty and I hate that. I hate that I let my talents go to waste. So as a new year resolution for myself I decided that I will no longer let my talents just be locked away and I auditioned for my first musical since I was the age of eighteen. 

The Day of The Audition 

The day of the audition came and all day I was so nervous! It's all I could think about and I even had trouble focusing on anything else, especially at work. I felt bad but at the same time I felt justified because I was worried about something I love and care about so much. Ya know? Anyways even on my lunch break I didn't eat but I just sang my audition song over and over again in my car. 

After work I went home, showered, and put on the clothes I had picked out over a week ago for this. 
I was ready and not so confident. If that makes since? Haha
I get to the theater and I fill out the form they had and then I waited to be called in. When it was my turn to go I had so many nerves came over me that I let 2 people go in front of me. I know... crazy of me but I just needed some extra time to breath. 

I then go in, introduce myself, and sing. Overall the audition went really well. I didn't sing as much of the song as I should have but I sang what my nerves would allow. The director thanked me for my time and I was excused. As I was walking out of the theater and to my car I just kept taking deep breaths and out reassuring myself that I did a great job. 

Did Someone Say Callback? 

If I am being honest with you I did not think I would get a callback. I did not sing the full 18 bars and I was pretty shy that night and not my usual peppy self but I did!!! I was so excited that I dropped my phone out of excitement. (thankfully the screen did not break and thank goodness for screen protectors)! Haha

Callbacks went great. I opened up, I was relaxed, and it felt like I never took a break from theater. I then got an email later that day that let me know I was in the show. I was so excited and I was fine being cast as apart of the ensemble. That's what I wanted for my first show back secretly. 

In Conclusion 

The rehearsal's have been going pretty great. I mean there are always those rehearsals where no one will cooperate but overall I enjoy them.  I love theater and the many things I have been able to experience in the past and the many more I will be able to in the future.  

I guess what I want all of you to know through sharing this story is that yes, we have fears and yes, they can hold us back but don't let them. Never let the fears of the unknown stop you from achieving your dreams. You are amazing and you have so much talent. 
Never forget that.



Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hard Times Will Come To An End

Dear Readers,

I feel that sometimes in life we need reminders. Reminders of who we are and who we are suppose to become. I feel that this is what this past week has been for me. It's truly been a tiring and hard week for me, both emotionally and physically. I feel that this week, it has been one thing after the other and I have put my face into the palms of my hands and cried and screamed at God more than once. 

Now don't get me wrong... I am not sharing this with all of you for sympathy or to say I am mad at God because in fact I am sharing this for the opposite reason. I am telling you about my rough week and how I spoke with God to let you know two things:

1) If you need to scream or cry at God in a conversation/prayer with Him that's okay. I promise you He has heard a lot worst and that He understands the pain you are going through and that is why He want's you to communicate with Him.
2) Through our trials we are able to be reminded just how amazing we are as individuals. Despite our setbacks or our feeling of being inadequate. We are given them to not suffer in silence but to grow and be in joy.

You can do it. Really! YOU can do it!
You can accomplish that hard day or that hard week or even that hard month. 
You are so strong and beautiful, inside and out and not only do I see that in you but so does God. He created you knowing that hard times may come but knowing you can make it through.
I know that even though times may seem uncertain right now for me.
My prayers WILL be answered... in His time, not mine. 

And I know He does the same for you. So remember your of worth. Remember that all hard days come to an end and remember you are loved by many.



Hold On

Dear Readers,

This past Saturday I went over to a friends home to have dinner. It was wonderful! They made a lemon chicken, with black pepper asparagus, and this delicious type of rice that I don't quite know what was in it. Haha 

It was so fun to just catch up and enjoy one another's company and it was much needed. After dinner we played Super Smash Bros. and Super Mario Kart. Now I haven't played a video game in a long time, since I was about twelve years old to be exact and I am now twenty-one. It was still fun though and that is what it is all about, right? After we made custom milkshakes. It was so good. It had a vanilla bean ice-cream base and then we added our own things to make it unique. I put in chocolate sauce and an orange liquor... it tasted SO good! It reminded me of those chocolate oranges that you can get at Christmas time.  

After, we watched a movie. At the end of the movie the song "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips played and it has been stuck in my head ever since. In a good way though. I never really listened to the lyrics in this song before but they are so powerful. Here are some of the lyrics that really stick out to me: 

"Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
Can you hold on for one more day
Things'll go your way..." 

These past couple of days have been really stressful for me and emotional. I know there are much worse things going on the world then the little things I am stressing about but they are huge to me and my life. I am a huge believer in God and I know that He knows my pain, just like I know he knows each of yours. I am so thankful to know we are never alone and that when we focus our energy on the positive the positive will come to us. 

I guess what I am trying to say is to hold on. Hold on to the light at the end of the tunnel and never forget that things will get better because you are simply amazing and life is so awesome and beautiful! So please find joy in the little things and surround yourself with those who will lift you up and not push you down. 
